PROMOTING OUR RESPITE/ SOCIAL SUPPORT GROUPS FOR Multicultural and Indian Subcontinent Community

🎈🥳PROMOTING OUR RESPITE/ SOCIAL SUPPORT GROUPS FOR Multicultural and Indian Subcontinent (Hindi Speaking) Community
Sydney Multicultural Community Services is known for upholding the rights and dignity of the culturally and linguistically diverse communities for over 40 years. We continue to provide avenues for social interactions, create awareness of our diverse cultures and languages; and most of all, look after the elders in our community that have made such important contributions over their lives to who we all are today. Over the years, members from our other respite/ social support groups have benefitted from our programs and developed a close relationship with one another. Groups like this have helped elders find companionship and alleviate loneliness.
We are happy to inform that we have received funding from the government for two respite/ social support groups, Multicultural and the Indian Subcontinent (Hindi Speaking) in the North Sydney Region. The Multicultural Group will be held every Thursday in Lane Cove and the Indian Subcontinent group will be held every Monday in Crows Nest. Morning tea and food will be provided. Attendees can expect a fun packed day of socialising and culturally sensitive activities. A Diversional Therapist will be present on both days to guide the groups. Best of all, the program is of no charge to the attendees.
Those who are over the age of 65 or already registered with My Aged Care for Centre Based Respite and residents of the North Sydney region are eligible. The programs will start once the restrictions are lifted and we are allowed to launch our new respite/ Social Support Groups. We are currently accepting expressions of interest. Call us today on 02 9663 3922 or email to book your spot because the numbers are limited.
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