We are proud to Launch our new book
and welcome our guests to purchase a hard copy.

Making Multicultural Australia: Past, Present and Future
Multicultural Arc describes and analyses a half-century of multicultural action and policy in Australia, as the country changed from being 99.5% European to one of the most diverse societies in the world.
Through examinations of the changes introduced by successive governments, readers follow the twists and turns of ideology and popular attitudes. From the “invention” of Australian multiculturalism through to attacks on its very existence, the affirmation of Australia’s multicultural future now depends on addressing systemic racism and continuing inequalities.
Five key themes include the place of First Nations in a multicultural society, the problems of racism, the challenges of communication and representation, the shredding of research capacity, and the creation of best fit institutions.
about the author

Emeritus Professor Andrew Jakubowicz
Dr. Andrew Jakubowicz, one of Australia’s most respected commentators on cultural diversity and public policy, is emeritus professor of Sociology at the University of Technology Sydney. He has been involved in the multicultural social movement since the 1970s, and has led research on many aspects of Australia’s cultural diversity, especially in relation to old and new media. His expertise has contributed to state and Commonwealth policy development, in areas ranging from education to public health. He holds elected membership as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, and the Royal Society of NSW. He has curated the web documentary “Making Multicultural Australia in the 21st century”, since 1999.
Dr Tatiana Pentes
Tatiana Pentes is a multi-channel digital and creative communications producer. Her interactive documentary Strange Cities https://strangeblackbox.net/ won a number of awards as a pioneering work. Career highlights include 2023 Luminous Bodies art exhibition, Luna Studios Gallery, Sydney, 2022 Highly Commended, Burwood Art Prize Exhibition, 2018 Marketing Team Award, Reimagination Thought Leaders’ Summit, and Digital Disruptors Awards, ACS, 2015 W3 Silver Award for Best Integrated Media Campaign, 2000/2005 AMY & ATOM Awards, and 2008-2020 Juror AMY Awards, Digital & Technology Collective. She has a higher research degree 2006 DCA in Communications (Digital Media) Recommendation 1, University of Technology, Sydney.
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