Aged Care
We specialise in aged care services for people from CALD backgrounds. Here at Sydney MCS we specialise in the provision of aged care services for people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds (CALD). We recognise and value that people from CALD backgrounds have their own unique needs when it comes to in-home personal care.
CALD Way of Care
CALD way of care helps to build your loved one independence. It’s all about maintaining and improving our clients health whilst in the comfort of their own home.
Experienced and culturally focused
Over 15 years of dedicated in-home care specifically targeted to your cultural and linguistic uniqueness. Because our Care Workers come from a CALD background themselves, they know exactly what is important when it comes to looking after you.
Specialist approach and range of services
We provide dedicated and passionate Care Workers with the relevant education and work experience in your language. Our services include clinical care, personal and domestic care and we pride ourselves in supporting people living with dementia.
Flexible solutions
We offer Government subsidised and private programs, allowing you to pick and choose as your care needs change. Our Aged Care Services include Multicultural Home Care packages, Multilingual Home Care and Centre Based Day Care giving you access to clinical nursing, personal care, domestic assistance and social support.
Not for profit and specialist industry
Not for profit and specialist industry leader Rosa Loria founded Sydney MCS with a passion to make a difference by providing people from CALD backgrounds the opportunity to keep living at home with specialist care. We are a 100% not for profit organisation, making a difference in your community.
Prompt care
We are committed to provide Care Workers within a reasonable time frame to ensure you are well looked after and taken care of. We focus on South East and Inner West Sydney region, but serve broader Sydney as well.
Security of high quality service
Our delivery of care is continually monitored and improved and we are currently in the process of getting ISO certified.
Our programs and services
There are a variety of packages through which we deliver the services outlined above. You can explore these here:
If you would like to refer yourself or a client to this program, please click below for the referral form

Settlement Services
Sydney MCS assists newly arrived migrants, humanitarian entrants and refugees with settling into their new country through our Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) Program.
Sydney MCS assists newly arrived migrants, humanitarian entrants and refugees with settling into their new country through our Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) Program. The SETS Program is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS). The program provides settlement services to assist refugees and humanitarian entrants during the first five years of arrival in Australia.
Free services for migrants and refugees
Refugees and migrants who have arrived in Australia within five years and who reside in the following Local Government Areas can access our services for free
- Willoughby
- Lane Cove
- North Sydney
- Mosman
- Marrickville
- Leichhardt
- South Sydney
- Randwick
- Botany Bay
- City of Sydney
- Waverley
- Woollahra
The service aims to identify the knowledge, skills and talent of the participants in order to address their settlement needs and connect them with learning opportunities, employment, community and support groups.
Our case workers have access to free interpreting services, therefore case work is available in all the major languages. Available in our Daceyville and North Sydney Offices.
SETS Client Services
Our bilingual case workers work with you towards empowering you to live independently in Australia. We provide settlement related information, advice, advocacy or referral services like Centrelink, utility companies, housing support, etc.
Education and Training
We have a key role to help you acquire skills in the English language, plan an education pathway and build employment readiness with services complementing other settlement and mainstream services. Information Sessions and workshops in different languages are available throughout the year, covering a range of topics to help you navigate life in Australia. View our past online webinars here. Moreover, friendly sessions are provided free of our charge by native speaking teachers. Available in Daceyville and North Sydney, more details here: Free English Conversation Sessions.
Employment Support
Free employment support by a HR professional, who will guide and mentor you through your job search, resume writing and interview practice. Available in North Sydney and via email and phone, more details here: Free Employment Support.
SETS Community Capacity Building
Support Groups
Our support groups help you establish social connections and interact with others. We have sessions focused on young people, women and specific ethnic groups.
Capacity Building
At SMCS we support groups, new and emerging organisations to collectively increase the social participation, economic and personal well-being of community members.
Community Development
Projects that aim to support and empower community groups. This can involve working in partnership with community members and other service providers to facilitate information sessions, workshops, training & up skilling programs and community linkages.
Who can access SETS?
- 18 – 30 year olds
- those who have lived in Australia for five years or less
- humanitarian entrants
- family stream migrants with low levels of English
- dependants of skilled migrants in rural and regional areas with low levels of English
- selected temporary residents (Prospective Marriage and Provisional Partner visa holders and their dependants) in rural and regional areas with low English, and
- newly arrived communities which require assistance to develop their capacity to organise, plan and advocate for services to meet their own needs and which are still receiving significant numbers of new arrivals
SETS program benefits
- low to medium intensity case work
- group workshops
- information and referral
- practical support
SMCS offers free and confidential support. Please call us on 02 9663 3922 or email us at settlement1@sydneymcs.org.au or settlement2@sydneymcs.org.au to find out more
Download the SETS brochure here:

Through community development strategies, SMCS seeks to empower individuals and communities to actively participate in Australian society.
SMCS is actively involved in projects and networks with other organisations which seek to relieve suffering and distress among CALD communities, particularly refugees. As part of this process, the Centre facilitates information sessions, workshops, research and consultations with the aim of supporting CALD communities and promoting empowerment.
Social support group activities
Various ethnic-specific groups meet regularly at Sydney Multicultural Community Services during and also outside business hours, seven days a week. The aim of these groups is to empower and enhance the self-esteem of clients.
These groups provide a strong social network and a significant level of support for participants. Many rely on the group meetings to be able to discuss, interchange and feel an echo of their needs and ideas. SMCS supports these groups by providing information, services and access to the groups. The Centre also encourages these groups to become self-sufficient.
Group activities include:
- Information sessions
- Social activities
- Cultural activities, including dancing and music
- Ethnic-specific community activities and meetings
***Space at the Centre is limited but we try to accommodate as many groups as possible.
Information sessions and workshops
Sydney Multicultural Community Services is always actively connecting with the community and providing opportunities to disseminate information, advice and facilitate community consultation. SMCS frequently organises information sessions and community workshops covering a wide range of topics relevant to the community. Session topics can include:
- Health issues
- Legal matters
- Immigration
- Centrelink benefits
- Domestic violence
- Carer Support
- Parenting support
- Housing
- Women-specific issues
- Youth
- Income support and financial management
Please contact the Sydney MCS office if you have a topic that you are interested in learning more about.
Our inclusion programs
Click below to explore our inclusion programs under the ‘Other Programs’ section.

Sydney MCS is a NDIS registered service provider from 1st July 2017. As part of NDIS, we take a ‘lifetime approach’ to support all Australians who have a loved one with a disability and ensure you get peace of mind in receiving relevant care and support.
Our key strength is the depth of experience of our Bilingual and Bicultural staff in providing the utmost quality care that gives people with a disability choice and control over the services and support they need.
NDIS Services and Supports
Support Coordination
Assistance to strengthen your ability to coordinate supports from a range of sources and develop your resiliency to participate in the community. Read More
Capacity Building
Assistance with managing life stages, transitions and support.
Psycho-Social Coaching: Working alongside your Psychosocial Recovery Coach to create a bespoke plan combining your physical and emotional health needs. Read More
Assistance with Self-care Activities
Assistance with, and/or supervising, personal tasks of daily life to develop skills of the participant to live as autonomously as possible.
Assistance with Personal Domestic Activities
Assist to undertake and/or develop skills to maintain their home environment where the participant owns their own home and/or has sole or substantial responsibility for its maintenance. Includes assisting the participant to do basic house and yard work.
Improving Daily Living
Development of daily living and life skills
- Individual Skills Development and training including public transport training
- Training for Carers/Parents
- Assistance in coordinating or managing Life stages, transitions and support
- Assistance with decision making, daily planning and budgeting
Increased Social and Community and Civic Participation
- Skills development and training
- Innovative Community Participation
- Participation in community, social and civic activities
- Community participation activities
- Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and support
- Life transition planning including mentoring peer-support and individual skills development
House and/or Yard Maintenance
Performing house and/or yard activities that the participant is not able to undertake.
House Cleaning and other Household Activities
Performing essential house and/or yard activities that the participant is not able to undertake.
Assistance to Access Community, Social and Recreational Activities
Support with participation in skills-based learning to develop independence in accessing community.
Requirements to access NDIS
You are eligible for the NDIS if you:
- are under 65 when you make your application.
- are an Australian Citizen or resident or permanent visa holder.
- and meet the disability or early intervention requirements.
Costs for NDIS supports are covered in your NDIS Plans and our charges are in accordance with the NDIS NSW Price guide. Our NDIS staff will assist you with a customised quote for your care and support needs.
If you want to have a look at the 2021 Edition of the National Disability Outlook, please click here for the online digital edition: https://nationaldisabilityoutlook.com.au/
Where to start?
Please feel free to contact our NDIS staff on ndis.dso@sydneymcs.org.au or 02 9663 3922 to discuss your support needs towards accessing NDIS supports and services.
More from NDIS
If you would like to refer yourself or a client to this program, please click below for the referral form

The program presents participants with an opportunity to meet new people, make new friends and get involved in great social activities at our centre. Our activities are designed to support participants’ physical and psychological wellbeing.
About the program
The Social Support Groups Program is funded by the Department of Health through the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP).
The program presents participants with an opportunity to meet new people, make new friends and get involved in great social activities at our centre. Our activities are designed to support participants’ physical and psychological wellbeing.
This program can also offer carers a much-needed break (respite) from their caring role.
Please contact the Sydney MCS office if you have a topic that you are interested in learning more about.
Our Services
Our Social Support Groups offer recreational and social activities program for frail older people and people with dementia from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
- Transport; pick up and drop off to the Daceyville centre with bilingual assistance.
- Culturally appropriate hot lunch, morning, and afternoon tea.
- Monthly outings to places of interest.
- Companionship.
- Planned activities, fun and laughter.
- Educational and informal workshops.
- Therapeutic and recreational programs.
Multicultural groups
SMCS runs a diverse range of groups with weekly activities reflecting language and cultural specificities including: Chinese Group, Maltese Group, Polish Group, Italian Group, Arabic Group, Spanish Group, Frail aged & early onset Dementia Groups.
Activities may take the form of:
- Group-based activities held in or from a facility/centre (e.g. pre-set or individually tailored activities promoting physical activity, cognitive stimulation, and emotional wellbeing)
- Group excursions conducted by centre staff but held away from the centre.
- Services include sufficient sustenance and associated transport and some personal assistance involved in attendance at the centre.
The service is funded for frail older people aged 65 years and over (or 50 years and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) in the Local Government Area of Bayside, Randwick, Waverly, Woollahra, and City of Sydney.
Our Social Support program is available for people who have been assessed by the Australian Government ‘My Aged Care’
Telephone: 1800 200 422
Website: www.myagedcare.gov.au
Wellness & reablement
To increase client choice and self-determination, SMCS staff work in partnership with clients rather than as experts, building on people’s strengths and increasing their ability to do things for themselves.
SMCS services are built on the following principles:
- Person-centred and consumer-directed
- Client is viewed as a citizen, not a service user
- Support of positive relationships with family and friends
- Supporting the well-being of a person who has a caring role
- Early intervention and prevention
- Strengths-based assessments
- Building capacity and resilience
- Goal orientated care planning
- “Doing with” rather than “Doing for”
The Enabling approach builds on the interests, skills, history, and culture of each person. It allows the client to be “the boss” and focuses its strategies on increasing people’s physical and mental wellbeing.
Staff will recognise that people can communicate their choices, likes and dislikes in many ways, including verbal communication, withdrawal, acting out, engagement and disengagement, aggression, excitement, despondency, and joyfulness.
Learn more
Download the Social support group brochure below to learn more.

Multicultural Generalist Casework Support Services
Case workers at Sydney MCS will be providing much needed support to migrants who aren’t eligible to access certain services and to assist all in our community including youth, seniors and families to improve well-being and their quality of life.
The service provisions will include but not limited to:
- Providing information and referral services
- Advocacy for Housing NSW applications
- Resolving Centrelink issues, documentary supports such as filling forms (where permitted)
- Assisting in resolving issues arising from clients being over charged with energy bills
- Accompany vulnerable clients including single mother and victims of domestic violence
- Attend local courts, liaise with Legal Aid NSW organise Interpreting Services

Centre-Based Respite Care
Case workers at Sydney MCS will be providing much needed support to migrants who aren’t eligible to access certain services and to assist all in our community including youth, seniors and families to improve well-being and their quality of life.
We will soon be starting a Centre-based respite care service in the North Sydney Region for two groups, Multicultural and Indian Subcontinent. Our structural program will provide culturally sensitive activities throughout the day with the help of an occupational therapist. We will have gentle exercise, appropriate meals and activities. Our group facilitators and volunteers will be bilingual and represent the cultural language of the clients.
If you would like to refer yourself or a client to this program, please click below for the referral form