The Art for Health and Wellbeing Workshop

Sydney Multicultural Community Services is happy to announce another round of our successful “The Art for health and Wellbeing Workshop”. The workshop aims at preventing mental health issues and alleviating stress and isolation caused by the restrictions. Art Therapist, Maria Rosa Casanova, will guide and support in a non-judgemental manner, supporting your journey with exercises that are pleasant and simple to follow, it’s not about knowing how to paint or draw, it is about exploring your creative art expression.
When: Every Tuesday 28th September 2021 – 30th November 2021
Time: 10am – 12pm
Where: Zoom
Spaces are limited, so please be quick and register your interest on Facebook here, Eventbrite link or alternatively you can email and call our office 02 9663 3922 to book your spot. Priority will be given to women living in the Bayside LGA.
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